Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Last Lecture 

This is the last Student Success Statement. In this last Student Success Statement, Mr. Haymore gave it to us. He said. "You will go far with CTR". Now that we have learned so many student success statements and outcomes we have truly learned that if you choose the right and always do your best, you will go far. What does it mean when it says we go far? It means we would have a great future than can determine our life and love. Later on in the future most of us are going to college, why? We would want to get in because we are choosing the right. When we get out, we need a job, why? Without a job how would we be choosing the right without paying the bills? You see all of this is connected with the choices you make. That is why I shall always CTR, and I inspire all to do the same. This is the last lecture in this website, thank you.  

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Class Evaluation 

Something I liked about this class was the fact that we would use technology in our advantage to understand these new procedures. I also liked it when we would watch videos after reviewing a student success statement. It is nice to encourage others creativity. I also liked learning how to type and having fun with others. These are the things I loved about this class. 
Things that I didn't like about the class was the goals journal. We would have to do them everyday for the rest of our life? What? No, I know that you need to encourage students to have goals but doing this is way too difficult. You should do it simple and make them set a goal at least once a week. Don't point out people telling them they are Choosing the Wrong. That is very disrespectful and may be offensive to others. Just because someone has a tattoo doesn't mean they are CTW. These are some concerns I have about this class. 
Some recommendations I would suggest is giving a bit more free time to everyone. We may be stressed out in school, pulling each and every hair out, you must understand that sometimes we just need to relax. Another recommendation, (as I said) is to stop with the Goals Journal. Sometimes, you do the student success statements way too long. You should make them short, not too short, but just right in the point. These are a few recommendations. 
I don't think I had a highlight for this class. I liked it but I doubt I had one. 
I did what I could in this class. I tried all the things to achieve my goal to have an A. The only problem that tilted me over was the fact that I missed 3 homework assignments. Since I wasn't used to doing homework in this class I didn't do these. I also tried my best to the goals journal everyday,. Even though I did miss a few days. I've tried all these methods to achieve this class. 
Like I said before, I try to read my Goals Journal everyday, but then, I miss a few days because I forget. I understand the procedure of having a goals journal, but I don't think it is that productive. Like I said I understand we need to have goals, but this way is a bit too difficult.  
I absolutely committed to becoming a CTR person for life. If I have done it this far, why stop now? I would consider myself to be in Level D: Democracy. This is an amazing privelege and I appreciate being one. I will be CTR 24/7, 365.  

Monday, June 5, 2017

Be a CTR Person 

This is the second to last Student Success Statement. Mr. Haymore taught us an amazing quote that really reflects on us and makes us meditate and realize how amazing it may be. He said, "THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is to be a CTR PERSON-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7 !!!" As you can see, Mr. Haymore was really excited to mention this quote to each and every one of us. We shall really appreciate each and every one of us when we all choose the right. Never underestimate the fact that everyone in this world has at least once chosen the right. If you choose the right many blessings will come to you and people around you. Don't choose the wrong always choose the right. If you choose the right you will succeed through life. 

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          Star Wars! I know I'm a massive dork, but star wars is life! I decided to choose this topic to show how much I truly love it. Star Wars is mostly about these Jedi's who fight within the forces of evil. I've seen all eight movies. All are amazing! If you haven't seen it, then don't bother to read this because these include massive spoilers. So this is how it starts, Anakin Skywalker became a Jedi, ever since he was a great student until one day he rebelled. When you become a Jedi, you must never have a wife ior children. He married a princess called, Padme Amidala, in private. She then had two children and that was when they discovered it was Anakin's. Padme died giving birth. He then desired to do evil. His teacher, Obi Wan Kenobi stopped him by pushing him aside lava. He then burned, until they healed him they removed his arms and legs and replaced them with robotic arms. He then became Darth Vader. The babies Padme had where twins, one was a soon become princess, Princess Leia, the other was a well teach Jedi, Luke Skywalker. Luke soon finds out that Darth Vader is his father. That's pretty much it, for now. Favorite character Chewy (short for Chewbacca). 

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Beautiful Character 

Image result for beauty in chineseHave you heard of Chinese proverbs? Chinese proverbs would be used to tell people about a certain problem and make them reflect towards it, giving them amazing advice. There was this special proverb that is beautiful: "If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world." ç¾Žå¥³, in Chinese this symbol means beauty, we shall always be beautiful with character. If we have a disgusting, horrific, bad looking character, what do you think will come? Obviously the opposite will come tremendously. Always choose the right and have a beautiful character that may reflect on us. 
Yoga Therapist 

Duties and Responsibilities: 
Yoga Therapist mostly work on people that have difficulty in physical health such as: asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure or back pain. Here are most of the things they would do: 
  • Decide on a program of therapy 
  • Teach a range of yoga postures from simple moves to more complex ones 
  • Teach breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and visualization exercises 
  • Give advice on how to maintain good health  
  • Give a sense of inner peace and relaxation 
Salary: $40,970 
  • Bachelor's Degree in fitness 
Demand for this profession: 
  • Yoga teaching qualification 
  • Have a high level of physical health 
  • Communication and Listening Skills 

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Reflection: A yoga therapist doesn't seem like a bad job to me =D.