Friday, September 30, 2016

“We learn to do by doing.”
         Thank You Spencer W. Kimball for showing us this quote. This quote has shown us that we must try to achieve. We might want to learn something because it’s something we have been wanting to do. That is why we must do it to actually learn. Let me show you an example, a real example. When I came to this school they assigned me to go to instruments. At first I was thinking, but I don’t know how to play an instrument. When I saw the guitars, I thought, I want to play and learn it. So what we did was practice, and guess what? I know how to play it know.  In this case I learned by doing, and we should always try.

Emergency medical technician

Duties and responsibilities:

An Emergency medical technician is a group of people who go in an emergency to rescue someone from an accident. These are their duties and responsibilities:
  • Get patient assessment
  • Manage burning
  • Make CPR with the patient
  • Emergency birth assistant
  • Extractions for patients in case of emergencies



Doctoral, Bachelor’s, or Associate’s Degree

Demand for this profession:

  • Must be licensed in order to practice
  • Six months of basic EMT training
  • To get the job you must need the credits

Reflection: I don’t think this job is recommendable for me because I don’t like seeing injured people.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Original Student Success Statement (SSS)
          "Think before you act"- By ME! Why do you think this quote is important for each and everyone of us? This quote helps us think that before we do something we must think about the Pros and the Cons. Some people talk and say something that they probably didn't want to say. It was a stupid idea to say it. Of course, this has happened to us before, but why? Because we didn't think at all. Sure we are all imperfect but still, you can break someone's heart by just one word. This is why I wrote this quote so we may never, ever break someone. Always remember to think before you act.

Image result for think before you act
Ear Nose Throat Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities:

An Ear Nose Throat Doctor is a.. well.. an ear, nose, and throat doctor. They specify what is wrong with your ear, nose, and throat> These are the main things they do:
  • Managing disorders of the upper pharynx and oral cavity
  • Handle nose-bleeding, appendectomies, infected mastroings, tonsillectomies, and sinusitis
  • They also fix nerve disorders at the nose, ears, and throat
  • Deal with tumors and infectious diseases



Bachelor’s of science/art degree

Demand for this profession:

  • 5 years of training in a surgical residency
  • 1 year of general surgery
  • Studied advanced science/ math

Reflection: I don’t want to be a Ear Nose Throat Doctor because thinking about the surgeries gives me the creeps.

Monday, September 26, 2016

“Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy.”

         Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy. This quote is very specific and not hard to explain. David Bednar was wise to write this quote. Of course we all know what obedience means. It means to always do what your parents, instructor tells us to do. We all know that that is the right thing to do. Even in the Bible it tells us to do to live longer. The only problem is that some people are disobedient and aren’t happy in any way possible. But if you at least try to be, it’s for sure you’ll feel different and happier in different ways. We must always be obedient.

LAUSD Student Services

          Have you ever thought of visiting Because precisly about this website is what I'm going to talk about. I'm specifically gonna talk about the students section in this blog. According to the website, it shows that students are very smart and they matter to others in the future. We help others educationally without us even knowing. Many teachers support us inh many issues, such as English, Math, History, Science, and other fassinating topics. When we are at school we should be learning new things that can help us not to torture us. They want our l;ife to be happy, educational, and surprised. All of the students have requirements, tools, resources, they provide us with. They expect us to graduate and make the world different, especially go to college. They, LAUSD care for us.
Image result for LAUSD logo

Thursday, September 22, 2016

"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do"

          "Choosing the right is always the right is always the right thing to do". This is considered one of the classic quotes in our school. Also that is our moto for HPIAM. CHOOSE THE RIGHT (CTR). If we always choose the right we will always do the right. If you were in a situation in which you caused, would you be honest? If you keep choosing the right in that case you will come ot right. If you choose the wrong, you will come out wrong.We all know that we can all choose the right by being honest, trying our best, helping others, and etc. But we shall never forget to choose the right, NEVER!


Duties and Responsibilities:

Dermatologist are doctors for skin care. They examine your skin give you treatment that will help you make your skin healthier and beautiful. Some of the things they mainly do is:
  • Figure out what condition the patient has such as: stress, hormone levels, too much sun exposure, and etc.
  • They offer consultation, and treatment option for patients who want to improve their skin
  • Procedure services they use such as, Botox infectious, laser hair removal, skin tightening, and etc.
  • Must you knew technology for skin enchantments

Salary: $204,072


You must need a Bachelor’s Degree to get this job.

Demand or Need for this profession:

  • Must go to Medical School
  • Become a Medical Doctor (MD)
  • Or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO)
  • 1 year of internship
  • DR program for at least 3 years
  • May perform surgeries

Reflection: I don’t think being a dermatologist is a good job for me because I don’t like seeing, or thinking of surgeries, or even looking at acne because of their conditions.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player"

          What you are as a persom is far more importan than what you are as a basketball player, what does this mean? Well to start, John Wooden wrote this quote and he won 620 basketball games, and won all the fame. Alrhough this happen to him he said this quote tp show the people that the basketball player in him wasn't important at all. He mention the true reward in us is who we are in the inside. He was so generous in saying this statement. we do not have to be famous to have all the fame, we could do more! John Wooden was a great example for us.

Image result for John Wooden youngImage result for basketball
Computer Programmer

Duties and Responsibilities:

Computer Programmers are people who program many different electronics. Some may be phones, tablets, computers, consoles or more. Some of the their duties/responsibilities are:
  • Write programs in a variety of computer languages
  • Update and expand certain programs
  • Debug programs by testing for fixing errors
  • Made codes for certain programs
  • Use code libraries



Bachelor's or Associate's Degree, or a degree in science or a related subject

Demand for this profession:

  • Specify in computer languages
  • Specify programing products
  • Be a good typist
  • Becoming computer analyst
Reflection: IT’S MY DREAM TO BECOME A COMPUTER PROGRAMMER. I love computers, they are fun interactive, and can help you in any cause.

Friday, September 16, 2016

True wealth is of the heart not of the purse.

                    Pathros is a person which was the Patriatch of Antioch & All of East in 1846-94. He mentioned a very interestiong quote not many people understand. He said, "True wealth is of the heart not of the purse". I'm gonna be honest I'm not really sure what does this quote really mean. But, it doesn't mean I can't tell you what I think this quote that is shown means. When Pathros mentioned that the true wealth comes from the heart, what he meant is that comes from your deeds. If you do good deeds your wealth gets higher, but when you don't do deeds that are great, you have horrible wealth. In which comes threw the next part of his quote, "not of the purse". When people have money they usually have it in their pockets, purses, or stuff like that, but money isn't wealth it's just paper, if you want wealth it has to come from your wealth.

Image result for giving donations
Dental Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities:

A Dental Assistant performs a variety of patient care, office, and laboratory duties. They usually assist or help the dentist with their task with another patient. It is similar to a nurse, but they do way more than they do. Some things Dental Assistants do is:
  • Work with Dentistes
  • Help analyze and get treatment options for the patients
  • Get the patient comfortable in the dental chair
  • Obtain Dental records

Salary: $34,500


Postsecondary non-degree award

Demand or Need for this profession:

  • Variety
  • Flexibility
  • Excellent working conditions
  • Personal Satisfaction

Reflection: I think being a Dental Assistant isn’t a bad job, but I have other choices.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible

          Ezra T. Benson had many different opinions. But, is it possible that this opinion he gave is considered a fact? Maybe or maybe not, considering all the people in the world do mistakes by an accident, or on purpose. Some people think doing something wrong can make them powerful and strong. In reality some people don't understand why on earth would they think something so dreadful like this. Most people who do bad acctions (often) feel like it was the right thing to do. But, if you are a person who does good deeds, you think oher wise. Sometimes you even feel affended knowing what they have done. So in reality this statement isn't a fact, its an opinion. Every person has it's own opinion on this statement Ezra T. Benson mentioned.
Image result for two signs that say bad and good picture

Duties and Responsibilities:

Dentist are doctors, but instead of checking your body or what is going on in your body, they analyze teeth. They make sure each tooth is healthy, strong, and useful. Their job is to:
  • Promote oral health
  • Prevent infectious diseases
  • Make treatment plans to fix or maintain your oral health
  • X-rays and diagnosed tests
  • Use safety anesthetics

Salary: $149, 310


Doctoral or Professional Degree

Demand for this profession:

  • Good Judgement
  • Organization
  • Critical Thinking, Negotiation, and Networking skills
  • Maintain education requirements

Reflection:I think I would love to be a Dentist because it is a really great job

Monday, September 12, 2016

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel Bad."

          Abraham Linkoln was very wise saying this quote. He said what he ment and he ment what he said (wow that rimes :3). Anyway, to be honest everyone can agree to this statement. For example, if your CHOOSING THE RIGHT, you feel great knowing what you have done. But, if you choose the wrong, you clearly don't feel right. Let me give you an example: If you get an A+ in an assignment, How would you feel. According to me, I would feel impressed happy that I accomplished the goal. But what is you got a D-F for an assignment? You will feel like you failed your goal. If you want to feel good, THEN DO GOOD!
Image result for when i do good i feel good when i do bad i feel badImage result for abraham lincoln with hat

Duties and Responsibilities:
Chiropractors are supposed to adjust neck, spine, and pelvis injuries.
  • Tests and diagnosis a patient’s problem
  • Recommend routines or treatment options
  • Consume individual practices as treatments


Doctoral or Professional Degree

Demand for this profession:
  • 4 years to complete and 3 years of undergraduate college education for admission
  • Must pass the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Exams


I think being a Chiropractor isn’t a bad idea for a job because they pay good and also get to analyze the neck and spine.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

"The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have"

          By Just Reading the quote that is shoen above, What does this MEAN? Boyd K. Parker was a very wise men too write about this. In order for us too keep tghe freedom we have now we need to be obedient. Imagine a prisoner in his cell. Does he really have freedom?

Image result for prisonImage result for white striped prisoners

The answer is no, why? The prisoner obviously disobeyed the government and its laws. To pay back for what he has done, they need to take away his freedom as his punishment. If we don't obey we get consecuences and punishments such as taking away our freedom. If we do obey by CHOOSING THE RIGHT we can have all the freedom in the world. ALWAYS OBEY!


          September 11, 2001 was the bloodiest day in America. It was devestating, horrifying, and more than 3,000 people died. Terrorist decided to injured and destroy this memorable day. They obviously achieved it. They highjacked 4 airplanes. The first Location was The Twin Towers the tallest buildings in New York City. 2 Airplanes Crashed in the building and many people kept jumping off to comet suicide, 6,000 people that survived were injured. The Next Location was Pennsylvania, a plane crashed leading 300 people to die. The last location was The White House, the plane crashed right in the middle of it. It is so sad Knowing more than 3,000 people died in this specific date. 9/11/01 was the worst day in America.
Image result for 9/11Image result for 9/11 pennsylvania

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

"Obedience is the great test in life"

          Decisions, Determine, Destinty was one of the first quotes I wrote about Thomas S. Monson. The point of the quote was that if you want to achieve Destiny you must have Decisions, Determine them, then achieve Destiny. Now this is another quote that Thomas S. Monson has mentioned, "Obedience is the great test in life. How could obedience be the great test in life? Well one of the things you could do to be obedient is pay attention to the laws the government has gave us. For example, Most Drugs and Tobacco is Illegal in america, in order for us to be obedient and pass that test is by CHOOSING THE RIGHT. If we are gonna CTR then we are obviously not gonna take the risk of taking those drugs or tabacoo that is illegal by this time. Sometimes people could take our obedience in risk. They can make you want to do stuff that you know isn't right. We should always remember, obedience is the great test in life.

Image result for obedienceImage result for obedienceImage result for obedience